Why not YIELD?

While I’m on this transportation theme there’s something else that really, really bugs me.  Why is it that many (dare I say most) drivers don’t understand the meaning of the red and white triangular sign stating YIELD?  Maybe it isn’t so much that drivers don’t understand the meaning of the sign, they may think it means everyone but themselves.

Here's an example of the sign I'm writing about

When I see a YIELD sign I slow down, check for oncoming traffic then drive forward when it is safe.  I’ve noticed that other drivers speed up to cut off oncoming traffic.  I’ve been involved in so many near misses because as the driver on the main road I haven’t felt the need to YIELD to drivers making their way on the road.  After all, I trust that they will actually YIELD.  Silly me!

Once when I was approaching a highway there were a few cars travelling pretty quickly.  I stopped at the YIELD sign because it wasn’t safe to go out into the traffic.  The driver in the vehicle behind me got really upset with me, blared the horn and made some choice hand gestures.  Hey, the rules of the road say that when approaching a YIELD sign a ‘driver must prepare to stop if necessary to let a driver on another approach proceed (but has no need to stop if his way is clear).’  I felt the need to stop so I wouldn’t get hit.  It wasn’t safe to proceed.  Why yell at me for following the rules of the road?

I really get irate about this when there are children in the vehicle.  I’ve come close to hitting vehicles that have cut in front of me and I get very upset about what could have been.  If you want to put your own life in danger, so be it.  Don’t get me involved and do not get children involved!

What’s stopping you from YIELDing?

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