She’s Back!

I was facilitating a workshop today and mentioned that I have a blog.  I smiled and told people that I hadn’t written in several months and that got me to pondering – why not?  What is stopping me?  I loved writing about my peeves and ponderings, so why did I stop?

 I’ve actually given this quite a bit of thought recently.  One reason (or is it just an excuse?) that I stopped writing months ago is that a couple of people I know mentioned that by writing a blog including peeves I was putting negative energy into the universe.  I didn’t necessarily agree at the time.  So, why did that stop me?  It could be that a part of me (or as a dear friend would say – one in me) did believe it.  What if I am putting negative energy into the universe?  Is that really a good reason to stop doing something I was having fun doing?  Why would I let comments from a couple of people stop me?  Oh so many questions and so few answers!

 So, I’ve now decided that I am not going to let what others say stop me.  Hmm – it sure wouldn’t be the first time!  It isn’t just about negative stuff.  This blog is my way of getting my thoughts out.  It is meant to be entertaining.  It is not meant to be about complaints.  It is about my own peeves and ponderings.  At times it will sound like I may be complaining.  I will try to do it in an entertaining way.  And you have to admit that the peeves are cute characters!

 I get daily notes from Seth Godin’s blog.  (  This week one of his blog entries was:

Just imagine how much you’d get done

…if you stopped actively sabotaging your own work.

We must be talented, powerful and resilient creatures indeed given how much we manage to produce despite the constant undercutting, ridicule and needless censorship we aim at ourselves.

This one hit really close to home!  After all, isn’t that what I’ve been doing on so many levels?  I stopped writing this blog.  I stopped working on my life coaching website.  I wake up during the middle of the night beating myself up for those things and still don’t move forward.  What’s that really about?  Funny thing is that I shared that particular entry with a networking group I facilitate as a way to motivate them to get out of their own way.  Good lesson in there for me too, n’est-ce pas?

I am here this evening to tell you that I’m back!  I don’t know how often I will write, but I will not stop completely.  I’ve decided that I have something to say and I am going to say it and share it.  Why not?  Doing anything different will be sabotaging my own work.  Perhaps I won’t wake up around 4 am listening to my saboteur voices chattering away about the things I coulda, oughta, woulda, shoulda have done.  (Sounds awkward, but that’s the best way I know how to say it and this is my blog so it’s gonna stay that way!)

Stay tuned – I will either be sharing another pet peeve or will be pondering over something soon!  Really.  No, it’s true this time.  

Have a good night (or morning or afternoon or whatever time of day it is for you as you read this entry).

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